
 "Number place the most beautiful and subline 2" by Tetuya Nishio was published in 2010 with a hundred number place puzzuls.

  The representative number place problem appears on front cover of the book shown above. This puzzul  is examined for ranking analysis (No.4).

 Result  is shown of ranking and evaluated points without explanation of terminology.

 Alias : 91UA91JB22Bh12Qc

 Ranking       AA          total point = 151 

 (1)     Technical point      107              Level (15) = "Dream "                basic point = 77
                 deform point = 30
            This puzzul has 3 cruxs points at middle stage as follow:

              ①   (5,2) = 4  at  step 23 which search technic  YbC  ,  steepness= 27 %
              ②   (4,1) = 6  at  step 24 which search technic  vωR  ,  steepness= 29%
              ③   (8,5) = 7  at  step 30 which search technic  wωB  ,  steepness= 2 %
                 number of entrance 5   [ B1 , R1 , C1 , M2 ]

 (2)      Visual  point           44 
    (3)  Artistic point       25
                             pattrn point= 20   (Pattern consists of 6 clusters of 4 kinds)
                             symmetric point = 5  Y 
    (4) Creative point  19
        givens point=5
        sequence of digits = 9   ( Sequent digit from 1 to 9 are arranged on upper part like roof)   
                     aroma impact = 5    ( Digits of 3689 occupy 50% of givens.)

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